Sunday, December 28, 2014


So, this was me this week - rolling down the highway from Atlanta to DC working from the back seat of my husband's pick-up truck while my son drove.  Pretty nifty...

So, what was I working on?  Me.  Yes, that's right: Me.  My to-do-list, my weekly planner design, my goal setting for 2015...  I call it a "Brain Dump" and it's an excel file on my desktop for quick & easy access.  It ended up being 21 spreadsheets - is that NOT ridiculous?  It goes from a master list of EVERYTHING I wish to ever accomplish in my lifetime to meal planning to debt payment tracking to gift ideas to a weekly schedule to a daily checklist to monthly goals to birthdays & anniversaries,..  Yes, it's a work in progress, yes, it can be consolidated, yes, it definitely must be tweaked, but it's there.  It's done.  It's a relief to have a central location for quick reference and I pray my computer doesn't crash!  With that in mind, you'd better believe I have "weekly computer back-up" on the schedule.

Here's the thing:  this Brain Dump has been rattling around in my brain all year.  I have truly spent this past year thinking about "the brain dump."  Yep, thinking.  Not doing, just thinking.

And thinking.

And thinking.

I had a plan - I really did.  I just never pulled the trigger.  Every day I hauled my folder into work, and every day it stayed in my briefcase.  Weeks went by, months passed... before I knew it, it was December & I realized, I hadn't done a darn thing.

Well, damn.

I'm done thinking and am in doing mode.  Here it is December 28th and it's a new day.  I'm 5 months less 1 day away from the big 5-0, and I'd really like to see some serious changes before I hit that milestone.  So, here I am, RE-committing to this blog and RE-committing to myself to quit thinking about what I'm going to do & start doing.  

I got a spurt of inspiration from this blog, Design Darling, and her 101 Things in 1001 Days goals list and am tempted to do something similar here.  NOT "101 Things in 1001 Days" but my 2015 REsolutions,"  Actually, they're my Focus & Intentions, but REsolutions goes with the theme of the blog so we're sticking with that, 'k?

Hey, 2015:  Bring it!


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