Monday, May 3, 2010

rainy days & Mondays...

I've got both today: a rainy day and it's Monday. But I'm not singing the blues. This is actually a GOOD day.

I've been running around lately totally out of whack. I'm staying on top of my schedule, but just barely. Time for planning, time for getting ahead just isn't happening. Work has been on the fast track so "me time" keeps slipping past... By the way, "me time" is me planning MY life, MY time and not just for "me." Not talking manicures & spa days. Talking school schedules, homework assignments, house projects, etc. It just isn't getting done.

Feeling this out of whack weighs heavy on an organizer. How can I prompt you to stay ahead of the game when I've fallen behind myself? It can be discouraging and I do get discouraged BUT I pump myself right back up again. THIS is what makes me a good organizer, THIS is why I can help you: because I live it myself. I know your pain because I've felt the pain. And together we can do this.

I really didn't intend for this to be a commercial, but more of a therapy post. I've been craving coming to this blog but have had no motivation to type once here - because I didn't feel like I had anything I could really say. I've decided that my journey thru getting back on track to an organized life is something I should be sharing. It's this ideal of perfection, presenting myself as the perfect expert all the time, "walk the talk" that has stopped me in my tracks.

Unfortunately, I've got a long road ahead but today is a good start. I've cleared my calendar to tackle some nagging issues like paper piles, returns, phone calls, appointments, etc. And blogging. Ah, such sweet relief to check that one off the list!

And now I'm off to clean up my desk because I truly cannot do one more thing until that gets under control. Yeah, it's that bad.

Happy chaos (clearing havoc around our space) to me. And to you!